25 April 2013

Black Sheep

Saturday was my mum's birthday and I surprised her with tickets to see Warhorse in London! She was really pleased (and so surprised!), so now we're both really looking forward to seeing the show in a couple of weeks, yay!
To celebrate her birthday, my family got together and we had lunch at a place called Belle Isle in Chichester (I had an enormous serving of mussels, really yummy). 
In the afternoon we went on a bit of a lamb hunt during our dog walk - proof that it really is finally spring! We saw quite a few, including this little black one with its white sibling. I have such a soft spot for black lambs. They were jumping back and forth through the gate, so cute! I also couldn't resist taking a photo of this fully grown sheep as she did appear to be posing for me. What a diva.
I'm so happy it's Friday tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to the weekend! Simon and I are playing with the idea of going to Thorpe Park on Sunday. He's more of a scaredy cat than I am on big rides (I love them) so it should be funny!

22 April 2013


Simon was looking through my blog the other day and pointed out the alarming number of times I have begun my posts with 'Simon and I headed to...' From now on I'll try to be slightly more imaginative!
At the weekend we went to Chichester to celebrate my mum's birthday which was on Sunday. On Saturday, we jumped on the train to Portsmouth as Simon had never been before. We had a little look around the historic dockyard before we went into Gunwharf Quays to do a little shopping. The weather was glorious and I found a biker jacket in H&M for the bargain price of £30 – a good day all round!

I also got the chance to wear my new t-shirt from Missguided. The positioning of the pineapples certainly didn't get my mum's approval, but they make me feel summery and that's what counts!

16 April 2013


Spring has sprung! Here are a few phone snaps from Sunday when Simon and I headed to Battersea Park and later on had a little picnic in Green Park. Rather annoyingly, I seriously underestimated how breezy it was outside and spent a lot of time yanking my skirt down! Nonetheless, it was a lovely day and so nice to not have to wear a coat.
I'm going back to Chichester this weekend for my mum's birthday, I'm really hoping the sun stays out for it! Hopefully I'll be seeing my sister and my little nephew too.

P.S. Don't go to the David Bowie exhibition at the V&A on a Saturday. You'll probably become trapped in an enormous crowd and won't be able to move (but it's still very good).

P.P.S. Simon found this monster Hula Hoop on Saturday, I think it made his day!

11 April 2013


In celebration of the sun coming out on Sunday, Simon and I headed to Hampton Court Palace. Although we didn't fancy exploring the actual palace (or rather our wallets didn't fancy it!), we ventured into the maze. Of course we got lost! Finding the centre was an absolute doddle, we just couldn't find out way out again! Eventually we realised we'd been past the exit twice already, we just didn't know it was the way out. Oops.
After we escaped, we indulged in a couple of ice creams and admired the gardens. I also hid behind a bed of roses whilst Simon took photos of me. Simple things!
I'm really looking forward to this weekend now, especially since I heard some rumours that Sunday is meant to be especially lovely. Fingers crossed!

9 April 2013


When Simon and I were in London on Saturday, we noticed a lot of people carrying pillows around with them. I didn't have a clue what was going on, but fortunately Simon did! It was international pillow fight day. We ended up heading to Trafalgar Square towards the end of the pillow fight, and the whole area was absolutely covered in feathers and fluff. There weren't many participants left, but the abundance of floating feathers in the late afternoon sun gave the square a dream-like quality, it was really pretty!
Afterwards I went to go and see Spring Breakers with my friend at the ICA which was erm... an experience. If you do decide to go and see it, go in with a very open mind - it's a very intense film, but it was definitely interesting nonetheless.
Did you enjoy the sunshine over the weekend?

4 April 2013


Here are a few pictures from Easter Monday, Simon and I headed to Bishop Palace Gardens in Chichester. Don't let the sun deceive you, it was so so cold and windy! They're pretty gardens tucked away in the city centre. I used to go there a lot after school with my friends and eat lots of sweets and chocolate. We were a wild bunch!
It's been snowing ALL day where I live and I just stepped out to go to the shop... I think my face immediately went bright red from the cold. Isn't it meant to be April? Didn't the clocks change for summer time?
Anyway, enough whinging about the weather.
I'm going to see Spring Breakers with my friend on Saturday, has anyone else seen it? I suspect all the gorgeous actresses in their bikinis are going to give me serious body envy, especially after all the chocolate I've been scoffing recently!

2 April 2013


Charlton view
Treasures Untold woods walk
Treasuresuntold Charlton logs
Treasures Untold springer

On Saturday I layered up to go on a dog walk with my mum and Simon. It was bitter (it even started snowing towards the end of the walk, brrrr), but I was thrilled when the sun popped out for a couple of minutes, making a few of my photos look lot more appealing! We walked to Charlton which is a very pretty, stereotypical country village close to Chichester. Jack chased after many a stick and Simon ran up a near-vertical bank – I swear they're as bad as each other!
I'm now back in London after all the excitement of the long weekend, but I have a lot of chocolate to get through so I'm not feeling too glum!
Did you enjoy the weekend?
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