2 April 2013


Charlton view
Treasures Untold woods walk
Treasuresuntold Charlton logs
Treasures Untold springer

On Saturday I layered up to go on a dog walk with my mum and Simon. It was bitter (it even started snowing towards the end of the walk, brrrr), but I was thrilled when the sun popped out for a couple of minutes, making a few of my photos look lot more appealing! We walked to Charlton which is a very pretty, stereotypical country village close to Chichester. Jack chased after many a stick and Simon ran up a near-vertical bank – I swear they're as bad as each other!
I'm now back in London after all the excitement of the long weekend, but I have a lot of chocolate to get through so I'm not feeling too glum!
Did you enjoy the weekend?


  1. Awhh your spaniel is beautiful...what a natural iin from of the camera haa!!x



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