I like to read. A lot. So I thought I might try to include a few books on this blog. Two Christmasses ago I was given a Kindle which I think is great, and it served me excellently during my time in Australia (there's no way I would have been able to carry around the 10 books I ended up reading!).
But sometimes you can never really beat the feeling of turning the pages of a real book, and Tigers in Red Weather is one of those books that I'm especially pleased I didn't buy on my Kindle.
I'll admit that I was definitely drawn to it by the stunning cover – I know, I know, never judge a book by its cover... Call me a rebel!
Liza Klaussmann tells the tale of a family who summer together at Tiger House. It has been described a murder mystery, but I wouldn't necessarily go along with that – the plot does include a murder, but there's not really a 'who dunnit' element to it.
The story is not in chronological order, and instead flits back and forth showing events through different characters' perspectives. For this reason, I often found myself flicking through past chapters to put a particular event in context with the things I'd already read, something which is no easy feat with an eBook!
I thought Tigers in Red Weather was a little slow at the start, but once it got going I really enjoyed it, I'd definitely say it's worth a read. I'll be passing this one on to my mum.
Have you read Tigers in Red Weather?