31 March 2013



Happy Easter!
Today has involved a lot of food, including hot cross buns, chocolate and, of course, a traditional Sunday roast. I'm feeling pretty full right now!
I hoped that the clocks moving forward might encourage the weather to do something a little more.... sunny. Alas, it wasn't to be and I had to wear a hat, coat and gloves to walk the dog with Simon and my mum earlier on today. Oh well, I'm sure it'll start to heat up soon enough (please!). 
Have you eaten plenty of chocolate today?

26 March 2013



Saturday was one of those grey rainy days that make you feel a bit glum, but fortunately Simon and I had plans! We went to the West End to watch the stage version of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time. Both of us had read the book and really enjoyed it when it came out a few years ago, so we were excited to see it come to life.
The play didn't disappoint, it was brilliant. The acting was fantastic and the use of stage lighting was incredible. Well worth a watch if you get the chance.

P.S. Simon was sat in a prime number seat and found this flyer in a little pocket in the seat. His name doesn't add up to a prime number, but mine does (131)! I was given this little smiley face badge as my prize.

22 March 2013

Tigers in Red Weather


I like to read. A lot. So I thought I might try to include a few books on this blog. Two Christmasses ago I was given a Kindle which I think is great, and it served me excellently during my time in Australia (there's no way I would have been able to carry around the 10 books I ended up reading!).  
But sometimes you can never really beat the feeling of turning the pages of a real book, and Tigers in Red Weather is one of those books that I'm especially pleased I didn't buy on my Kindle.
I'll admit that I was definitely drawn to it by the stunning cover – I know, I know, never judge a book by its cover... Call me a rebel!
Liza Klaussmann tells the tale of a family who summer together at Tiger House. It has been described a murder mystery, but I wouldn't necessarily go along with that – the plot does include a murder, but there's not really a 'who dunnit' element to it.
The story is not in chronological order, and instead flits back and forth showing events through different characters' perspectives. For this reason, I often found myself flicking through past chapters to put a particular event in context with the things I'd already read, something which is no easy feat with an eBook! 
I thought Tigers in Red Weather was a little slow at the start, but once it got going I really enjoyed it, I'd definitely say it's worth a read. I'll be passing this one on to my mum. 
Have you read Tigers in Red Weather?

20 March 2013



Over the weekend I drank some wine, played Trivial Pursuit, enjoyed a home-cooked roast made by Simon's dad and made a extravagant purchase (hello iPad!)
But I think the best part was on the train journey to Simon's home-town when he presented me with this little Barbapapa ornament. When I was little I had one Barbapapa book that I absolutely adored, and now, whenever I see anything vaguely related to it, I'll try and force him to be interested. He just seemed to think I was a bit crazy!
So when he gave me this little figure I was chuffed. 
Does anyone else remember Barbapapa, or is it just me?

11 March 2013



What ever happened to spring? I've currently taken refuge under my duvet with absolutely no intentions of getting out.
Yesterday, on Mother's Day, Simon and I went on a dog walk with my mum to East Head. As soon as I got out the car I regretted the location choice as it was FREEZING, but I gritted my teeth and faced the wind head on. Simon actually seemed to have more energy than our dog, they spent ages running around together! Hot Chocolate and Jaffa Cakes were definitely needed by the time we got home.
How did you spend your weekend?

3 March 2013


Burgers and lemonade at Honest Burgers
Brixton Market
Pinafore from Topshop//Mint stripe bedding from H&M//Necklace from Primark

I haven't really been in the blogging mood over the past week, so I haven't forced myself to post half-heartedly. Today I'm feeling a lot more enthusiastic about blogging, although a little tired from drinks last night!
These are some photos from my weekend. I went to stay at my friend Katie's flat on Friday night as I haven't had the chance to go yet, and we had a crazy night consuming a million sweet treats whilst watching Wanderlust. In the morning we headed to Brixton market where we ate the most incredible burgers in Honest Burgers and thought of multiple reasons why we wouldn't be buying the salted pig tails on sale at the stall next door. I'd definitely recommend Honest Burgers if you get the chance, I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a burger so much – so tasty!
I've bought a few new pretty things recently, including the bits above, and I'm wearing the pinafore today. I justified buying it by telling myself I was going to get lots of wear out of it (starting from today), does anyone else do this?!
Simon gets back from Italy today, he's been there for two weeks now, so I'm really looking forward to seeing him later on this evening. But until then, I think I'm going to enjoy a lazy Sunday.
Have you been enjoying the weekend?
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