4 February 2013

Castle in the Sky

I meant to get this post up a bit earlier, but Simon and I went to my mum's for the weekend and I forgot to pack my laptop charger, grrrr!
On Saturday we headed to Arundel because Simon had heard a few things about the castle and he wanted see it for himself. We didn't actually go inside the castle as we're trying to be a bit more frugal this month, but it was still nice to have a wander round the town. Simon found himself a questionable Bart Simpson toy in an antiques shop and I busied myself with snapping away on my camera. Afterwards, we headed home to make ourselves a cream tea – the pretty teashops scattered around Arundel had obviously inspired us!
The town is very small and quaint, but it boasts a cathedral as well as the castle, so it's a pretty impressive place to explore.
On Sunday we had quite a lazy day – venturing into town and walking the dog before settling down to a lovely roast dinner cooked by my mum. What did you get up to at the weekend?

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