Here are a quick few snaps of Christmas from my spangly new camera. I think it's safe to say I was spoilt rotten this year and I'm so so grateful for such a lovely day and all the gorgeous presents I received. On Christmas day I ate absurd amounts of delicious food and my body was probably quite relieved when I went out with my mum to walk the dog!
On Boxing Day I made a quick visit to the sales in town and picked up the two blouses above (although the spotty one wasn't actually in the sale, typical me!) I was later treated to another roast with my family and yet again ate far too much! My big sister is now eight months pregnant, so it's exciting to find out how she's getting along.
I'm now looking forward to seeing in the New Year with Simon, I set off for his family home tomorrow morning.
I hope everyone else had a lovely Christmas and wishing you all a Happy New Year!