23 July 2012

A trip to the circus

Here are a few quick snaps from my weekend. My boyfriend Simon is from Felixstowe, Suffolk, and we’ve spent the last two weekends visiting his family and friends. 
This time we went to the Moscow State Circus which was sooo cool. I can’t get over how difficult all those acts must be to learn and perform, I swear they must have more strength in one finger than I do in my entire body!
We also went out in Ipswich on the Saturday and I woke up the next day with the world’s worst hangover. Obviously, I spent the day vowing to never drink ever again. Ever.
Thankfully I perked up after a home-cooked Sunday roast and a 99 on the beach so I could brave the trip through London home!

I've taken a shine to instagram and I'm having to stop myself from becoming too snap happy! My username is louiseroseclarke.

8 July 2012

My first Graze box

The other day I treated myself to Glamour magazine, mainly because it had free Benefit makeup. Yes, actually only because it had free Benefit makeup.

The thing is, I used to be an absolute magazine slave, especially through sixth form and uni. They’re shiny, fit in your handbag and carry all sorts of promises which will make your life A MILLION TIMES BETTER THAN IT ALREADY IS.

But then one day I realised that I wasn’t actually reading the glossies I was chucking in my shopping basket. Nowadays, I reserve the pleasure of the magazine experience for particularly long and boring journeys. Nonetheless, if they are offering an amazingly good free gift that I simply cannot live without it will inevitably find its way to the check out.

Well, after the initial excitement of owning a sample sized tube of Porefessional for the bargain price of £2, I gave Glamour a quick thumb through before giving up and plonking it on my bedside table. Who knows when I might suddenly feel compelled to find out if I’m working the right summer shades? It may as well be the middle of the night.

Anyway, the next day I picked up the flyers that had slipped out the magazine when I unwrapped it and found not one, but two adverts from Graze offering me to try their product for free. I mean they were really calling out to me.

Okay, I’m going to be honest, I was slightly disappointed with the Benefit product (I think I bought into the hype a bit too much, but it is meant to be the best selling primer in the world ever, maybe) and here was a chance to indulge in another freebee.

Seduced by the idea of snacks being delivered through my letter-box (seriously, whoever thought of this deserves a medal) I signed up and started rating which nibbles I’d rather try over others. I had to give my card details, but I can cancel at anytime, and with the first box free and the second box half-price, I didn’t feel as though I was being robbed. I couldn’t contain my excitement, or hunger, so I chose the earliest delivery date possible.

I wasn’t really sure what I was expecting with my Graze box, but honestly I would recommend it to anyone. Well, anyone who likes snacking. The whole thing is stunning. It’s easy to open, easy to see what you’ve got and, best of all, easy to eat. As you can see, I was sent banoffee pie, the herb garden, summer berry compote and jaffa cake. The only thing I wasn’t too keen on were the herb and onion peanuts in the herb garden, they were a but too much like a savoury peanut m&m. The jaffa cake mix was definitely my fave. I went on the website and put all of these items on my ‘don’t send’ list so that I’ll get completely different things next week.

So now I’m patiently waiting for my next box which will be Wednesday. I work from home and don’t really get any human interaction, so a box of food being shoved through the front door will most definitely be the highlight of my day!

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